The CloudWatch Mule® Integration is obtained when you subscribe to the AWS CloudWatch Mulesoft Integration. This will deliver an AMI and a CloudFormation template with all the new to Monitoring Anypoint Metrics into AWS CloudWatch


The AMI contains

  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

  • Java 11 Stable.

  • CMI Assets

    • CMI daemon script

    • CMI Agent

    • JSVC

  • cmi-agent-role (Role with custom policy)

  • Settings Web App

Installation process

1.     Subscribe to the AWS Marketplace
Go to this link Marketplace link and login with your credentials, Search for the
AWS CloudWatch Mulesoft Integration an subscribe.

2.     CloudFormation Template
Once subscribe you will receive a cloudFormation template. In this template, the resources created are an EC2 instance and a security group.

This template requires the user to provide the following parameters:

  • Authentication API

    • Username

    • Password

    • Environment ID

    • Organization ID

    • Customer Key

  • EC2 Configuration

    • Instance Type

    • Key Pair

    • VPC ID

    • Subnet ID

    • CIDR IP Range for SSH

    • CIDR IP Range for Web App

  • Deployment Environment

    • Deployment Environment (dev, qa, prod, etc)